Monday, March 19, 2018


The tree in 2017 for Christmas was adorned with the ornaments the kids made and under it were the pillow pets accumulated since the last grandchild was born. It was such a fun tree, and white. Did I mention it was white?

We got that for Christmas 2016. It was trimmed with Larry's ties from his professional past. He'll never use them again but never the less I did not cut them up.
Larry's ties Christmas 2016

2017 Christmas tree in process
Now it's 2018 and I was too busy? Lazy? Uninterested? So the tree is still up. Then it occurred to me I could keep the dang thing up all year by restyling it. Indeed I created more work for myself but the kids helped. The 2 year old was very enthusiastic. So was the 11 and 14 yr old made the most decorations. The 17 year old smiled. Or was that a grimace?

The pillow pets are still out of my hair. It's a great night light. Did I mention it's white? I skipped St. Patrick's Day. Okay I confess that fun day crept up on me and then it was too late. So now it's almost Easter and I'd better get busy.

A visitor we had last week commented, "Oh, you never took down your tree".  They could have said what a nice Valentine tree you have....still have.....

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